Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012

The year 2011 was very good to us. For no particular reason, but things were just nice and pretty easy going. I may not like living in the desert or having to drive 90 minutes to get to a restaurant or shopping center. I have however, met some of the most amazing people I have ever met and I am so blessed to have them as apart of my life. I hope 2012 is equally as good if not better.

The end of 2011 became extremely humbling. On December 12th, I went to bed after watching a friends video of her husband flying his helicopter over their house, thinking what an awesome Dad. I woke up the next morning to the horrible news that, that soldier, husband and father died after his and another helicopter collided together during training. Her life and her kids lives are altered forever. I wish more than anything that I could do something, anything, to take this pain and devastation away from her and her four children. I want more than anything for this to just be a bad dream or a mistake, and for her husband to walk into the door and back into their arms. They are the last family that deserves this much pain. That horrible accident has changed something in me forever. We all worry about our spouses when they're deployed, we never think of something happening when their boots are on our soil during an everyday training mission. It has taught me to not take a single moment for granted. It has also shown me that in all honesty, I do not care about what others think, about me, my marriage, my kids. I may not be a perfect speller as my brother has pointed out many times the last few weeks, I may not articulate things very well sometimes, but, I am a good person, I love my family and my friends with everything that I have. If you don't like me, then you know, that's really ok. All I can do, is to live my life, every single day like it may be my last, or someone elses last. We may never get another chance to tell someone just how much they mean to us. We can only hope that they were left not only knowing, but FEELING that they were loved. So this year, I'm not making some New Years resolution that will more than likely be broken. I am just going to live each day and do the best that I can, and make sure that the ones that I love, FEEL Loved. I'm going to have fun with my family, take them to some theme parks, let my kids stay up late to watch movies and cuddle up on the couch. I want them to laugh so hard at the dinner table that their chocolate milk is coming out of their noses. So here's to 2012 and some amazing family time.


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