Tuesday, February 14, 2012

He's Officially a Toddler.

Its amazing how quickly things change. Just yesterday Lucas spent all day crawling around the living room floor, giggling and laughing and chasing the dog making whimpering noises. They are my favorite. Its how he says "Puppy". We will go to the store and he will see a stuffed puppy and make little woof sounds and reach for it. Its the cutest thing. Then last night, Doug and I were sitting on the couch; I wan finishing the tutu I was making for Chloe to wear today at school; and all of a sudden Doug yells "He's walkin!" I look up, and sure enough he's got this huge smile on his face and he'e walking right to Doug. Lucas thought it was hilarious. So he kept getting up and walking after Chloe and the dog, and Aiden finally came in and joined in on the fun too. We played for about an hour like this and he finally got tired. Doug made a video of it and I will post it soon for everyone to see.

This morning I woke up and I started to get everyone ready for school and realized, he's not a baby anymore. Now that he walks he's officially a toddler. I'm thankful that I spent every second possible enjoying his baby-ness, yet I still can't believe that, that's it. No more babies. The other two have grown so fast, now just as soon as I blink, Aiden will be 13, Chloe will be 8 and Lucas will be 5 and in Kindergarten. This precious time goes so fast.

Aiden already has his first "girlfriend" he even bought her a silk rose for Valentines Day. He said, "Mom if we buy her this one, then she can keep it forever and not have to throw it away" Smart thinkin for an 8 year old. He was so excited. He wanted to buy her everything that he saw. He's gonna grow up to be just like his Daddy, because Doug does the same thing. He's got an amazing heart and is always thinking of others, Aiden does that same thing. Whenever he wants to spend his money, its never on himself.

And Chloe, I can already tell that she will make one amazing Mommy. She is already so sweet and gentle, not to mention patient as ever. Especially when it comes to Lucas. Lucas can get pretty rough. Believe me he doesn't take anybody mess. He can hold his own. But even when he's being a stinker, Chloe just smiles at and taps him lightly on the nose with her finger and says, "No hitting Loukie. Silly fat boy" and kisses him on the head.

I am so proud of the three if them. We are so very blessed, I wouldn't change a thing about any of them.

Lots of Love,

