Sunday, February 21, 2010

Very excited..

... Thanks to OCSC, I met this awsume photographer here on base. Unlike a lot of other photographers, she is totally willing to help others become better photographers. I just ordered two books today, Understanding Exposure, and Understanding Close Ups. I am more of a hands on learner. And she tried to explain to me "metering peoples skin". And I think I've started doing it, but I'm not sure if I have it done right. She shoots with a Canon and I shoot with a Nikon. I just wish I could see what she is doing first hand. The other issue I'm having is when I get up to my subject to meter their skin, I am using my telephoto lense and it doesn't want to let me get to close. So I hope I'm doing it right.. I'm hoping that once this Undertanding Exposure book gets here, I will know exactly what she's talking about. I also bought a Wedding Photography book yesterday. I LOVE it. It really gives good information that really pertains to all photo shoots. I have a feeling that this is going to be my "Go To" book, before my shoots.

I have also decided that I'm going to follow suit with Michelle and take one self portrait a month. Everyone is always complaining about me not being in any pictures. Well that all changes today! Also, my Maternity couple just had their baby! So I have a shoot this upcomming Tuesday to do his newborn pictures!! I'm so excited and I have a million butterflys in my stomack! I've got some great new newborn ideas thanks to a lot of online research!
So until next time..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The weather has been so fantastic the last few days. This is the kind of weather where you wish it would stay like this all year. Unfortunatly Aiden is home with an ear infection, but we're keeping his temp down with some motrin. He was feeling crappy all weekend, but since the clinic was closed, the poor kid had to deal with it. The first appointment they have is tomorrow, so looks like he'll be home then too. On the other hand, he's been getting up all by himself in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. 4 days in a row! GO AIDEN!

I updated my website for my buisness and I also added a facebook buisness profile. I'm also thinking about starting up a blog for it. So Melissa, I may to need your help once you get home with adding a picture to the top. The next thing I need to do, is to purchase my slideshow maker. I feel some great happening with in the next month or two. So far 2010 is shaping out to be a pretty decent year for The Rakers Family. I hope it stays like this.

Chloe is being cute as a button today. She keeps teasing me with her snack. She acts like shes gonna feed me and then snatches it back and giggles like crazy. She was feeling a little crappy yesterday. All she wanted to do all day was lay on the couch and cuddle. And in light of whats going on with my friends son, I let her. She's in an amazing mood today. So even though Aiden is home sick, he is feeling better than he did yesterday; so I'm going to let them both enjoy the day today. He still has a fever, so he CAN'T go to school.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I'm having a great day! I have a possible job comming up for March. It's really big, its for school pictures. On Sunday I have a maturnity shoot, and in about 2-3 weeks, I get to photograph their baby. I'm very excited. Aiden has his second soccer game today and his birthday party is on Saturday. He's so excited. I've taken him out of karate for the time being.. I've decided that the person teaching the activity, really has no structure and I realy don't think he's learning anything. Yes, he's learning how to behave, and pay attention. So I don't know, and he did earn his orange belt, but hasn't received it yet. I don't know, maybe I'll put him back in.

I'm starting to get baby fever pretty bad. I have a high school friend who is pregnant and it's fun to hear about her pregnancy, and it makes me miss feeling that little miracle kick around in my belly. I think pregnancy is such a magical time. Although yes at times it can be a pain with the night sweats and cramps, both of my pregnancies were a wonderful experience for me. Even Doug is starting to hold other peoples babies, and normally he doesn't care to do that. I had a friend over the other day and she started crying to he reached out and held her. Soo cute. There is always the guilt when you start to plan to have another baby, about worrying about what the other children will feel like and if you'll be able to give them as much attention.. Chloe is already jealous and she's the baby! Doug told me one day, "how can you tell her that she's not the baby anymore?" So yeah I felt bad. Aiden wants a brother. So when we actually have another baby, I would love to have another boy, although doing all the girly stuff is really fun. SO honestly, I can go with either.
